Summer Student Highlights

This summer we are excited to highlight our students' achievements beyond the classroom!  Be sure to check back weekly as we will be updating this section.  To feature a student, email with their story. Please note that while we will carefully review all submissions, not all may be published.


9/2/24: Wrapping up our Summer Student Highlights with two incredible students: Naima Ellis-Daniels '25 & Sammi Sassi '26!

Naima Ellis-Daniels '25 spent her summer participating in the Civic Innovation Academy at Georgetown University and the National Democracy Summer Fellowship with the Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate campaign. At the Academy, she worked with peers to develop an award-winning solution to flooding in Ghana, meeting with key figures like Congressman Jamal Bowman. Following this, she engaged in civic participation by making calls and canvassing for the Senate campaign, while also participating in workshops with prominent political figures. Congresswoman Blunt Rochester is a fellow Padua Panda!

Sammi explored Costa Rica for two weeks with the Global Leadership Adventure's "Medicine and Healthcare Discovery" program. She volunteered alongside local healthcare professionals, assisted with vision screenings and therapy for the elderly, and dental hygiene education for children. Sammi also immersed herself in Costa Rican culture by living with a host family, exploring local sights, and building friendships with peers from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

Congrats to both Naima & Sammi for an amazing summer of growth and discovery! 


8/25/24: As summer winds down, we're excited to share a few more student spotlights! Meet Rafferty Hill '26, who spent 7 weeks this summer with a group of talented young artists in the ART (Anti-Racism Theater) Project, in collaboration with viBe Theater Experience. Together, they created "Unmasked" – an original play that delves into how racism, sexism, and other issues affect teens today. Through creative exploration, improv, movement, song, dance, and poetry, they crafted a powerful performance designed to inspire change and spark action. 

Congrats, Rafferty, on this incredible achievement and living out our Cultural Norms! Your passion and creativity are truly making a difference.


8/19/24: Our Student Highlight today is Zuri Stevenson '26, who was selected to attend the prestigious W.E.B. Du Bois Scholars Institute's Leadership Academy at Princeton University this summer. Over five weeks, Zuri tackled six college courses focused on social problems, public policy, and social theory, in addition to field trips once a week and seminars on Sunday.

Reflecting on her W.E.B. DuBois Scholars Institute experience, Zuri said, "I made new friends, many of whom came from different places in the U.S., and as far as Ireland. I learned many new things about African American History and grew my skills in Academic Composition and Critical Writing. Being away from home allowed me to practice my independence. I especially enjoyed learning from people from different walks of life. Some were my teachers and others were my peers. Overall, the W.E.B. DuBois Institute helped me to grow my character socially and academically." Congrats, Zuri, on this incredible achievement! 


7/29/24: We're proud to spotlight rising juniors Sydney Whittaker, Ava Wrzesien, and Abigail Sanders! These remarkable students were selected to attend the FBI Baltimore Field Office's Teen Academy on July 18 and 19th.

The program included high school students from Maryland and Delaware and featured lectures, specialized equipment demonstrations, and hands-on exercises. Sydney, Ava, and Abigail had the unique opportunity to explore diverse career paths within the FBI and the field of Criminal Justice. Way to go ladies!


7/22/24: Our Student Highlight today is Madison Keener '25, who was selected as the Delaware representative for the Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference in Washington, D.C., from June 16th – 27th! Madison had an incredible week filled with exciting activities, including panels with top journalists, a visit to the U.S. Capitol, and other iconic D.C. landmarks. 

Highlights of the week:
  • Visiting the Capitol and attending a House of Representatives Meeting
  • Visit the White House 
  • Exploring the Wall Street Journal and Fox News 
  • Meeting C-SPAN founder Brian Lamb (pictured) and renowned journalists like Chuck Todd and and Angel Brock 

Madison will also receive a $1,000 scholarship for the college of her choice. Congratulations, Madison! 


7/13/24: Our Students Highlighted today are Mary Drost '26, Ava Gates '26, Nara Selander '26, and Caitlin Small '26 who represented Padua at HOBY Hugh O’Brian Student Leadership Seminars this summer!

Each year, Padua selects students to attend this prestigious event as part of our mission to prepare them to lead and serve. HOBY seminars welcome high school sophomores to 3-day summer sessions filled with workshops and activities that develop leadership skills and values. These experiences help students discover their strengths, learn to collaborate, and get a taste of college life.

Congrats to the following members of the Class of 2026 for representing Padua at HOBY from various states! We look forward to hearing all about your experience!

DE - Ava Gates at University of Delaware
PA - Caitlin Small & Emily Glowacki at Neumann University
MD - Mary Drost & Nara Selander at Towson University
NJ - Sianna Dhillon


7/2/24: Our Student Highlight today is Ja'Khayla Wise '27. Ja'Khayla was crowned Miss Juneteenth Delaware 2024 at the 27th annual Miss Juneteenth Delaware pageant, held at the Baby Grand Theater in Wilmington on Saturday, June 29, 2024. During the talent portion, Ja'Khayla captivated the audience with her rendition of Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit."

Since February, contestants have participated in workshops on etiquette, social skills, essay writing, public speaking, modeling, nutrition, proper attire, African American history, and spirituality. Community service was also a vital part of the program.

This pageant marks the 27th annual event and celebrates the Delaware Juneteenth Association - DEJA's 30th anniversary. Ja'Khayla is pictured with Sandy Clark, Pageant Director, Treasurer & Co-founder. We are #PaduaProud of you, Ja'Khayla! More coverage of this event on Delaware Online. Photo credit: William Bretzger-Delaware News Journal & DEJA


6/24/24: We begin our Student Highlights this summer by showcasing Dayvey Gordon '25, who was selected to participate in the Scripps Howard Emerging Journalists Program at Elon University from June 17-28. She is pictured attending a press conference with Representative Renée A. Price at the capital during this prestigious program.

Dayvey is one of 18 high school students hailing from across the county that will develop their reporting, writing, multimedia storytelling, leadership and media management skills. This Immersion Cohort will work as part of a working newsroom, producing professional web content and learning to track audience engagement metrics, using the latest production software and equipment. She will also earn four hours of college credit from Elon University. Congratulations, Dayvey! Keep shining bright!
Spirituality. Scholarship. Service. Sisterhood.